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United Way Day of Caring 2021

United Way sent a wonderful company, Miller Weldmaster, to the JRC Learning Center for their 2021 Day of Caring.

The 19 volunteers spent several hours working in the children's playgrounds weeding and then planting vegetables and flowers.

The children were peeking out the window and very excited to see the finished look.  Normally, if not in a pandemic, they would have joined the group for some planting lessons.  Next time....

The company was so generous that during the project, they noticed they did not have enough plants of which they donated, so their President, Brent Nussbaum, phoned in an order of more plants and a truck full of additional mulch needed.  How generous!

Even a lady volunteer in crutches was part of the planting team!

Thank You!  Thank You to the team at Miller Weldmaster and of course United Way for another successful Day of Caring!