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December 15,  2021

The Pledge of Allegiance started out the group as usual.  Both groups reverencing the flag while learning and remembering the pledge.

Today was a Christmas celebration remotely with ZOOM including the new JRC Learning Center children and the JRC Adult Day Center members.

The children and adult/seniors were asked to list their favorite Christmas songs so a Sing-a-long was the order of the day.  They all sang together and laughed along with adding motions for each of the songs. They also each introduced themselves and the others repeated their names.  They are staying familiar even if remotely.

December 1, 2021

The Storyteller was in rare form with a great story all about animals and their relationships.

From squirrels to rats to bears all learning how to help each other.  All were cold in a small space, but all made room for each animal to fit together and stay warm. 

The Senior/Adults were joined by both learning centers for the very first time with preschoolers ZOOMing in!  So much fun acting out the story together!