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The JRC Intergenerational Connections Program (IG Program) is back to Remote with ZOOM again due to the pandemic. 

JRC is pleased to welcome back our wonderful IG Program instructors for 2021 and 2022!

 - Rhonda Kuster and Kedric Wolfe our fabulous Yoga Instructors

-  Lindsay Bonilla, our terrific Storyteller

-  Megyn Bostic from Artful Living and Learning. our Dance/Music instructor (brand new with the JRC IG Program)

Each program began with the Pledge of Allegiance with a senior holding the flag while everyone crossed their heart with their right hand as they recited the Pledge


September 22, 2021 10:30 a.m.

The Storyteller begins the year with a story about a Brazilian Beetle named Basoro who ran in a race with many other animals.. Both the children and seniors were so engaged in the story as they did motions to all the actions in the story

September 29, 2021 10:30 a.m.

Yoga was all about trees, animals and items in natural forming and stretching movements to match each other both children and seniors...even picking apples from a tree and throwing them to each other.

October 6, 2021 10:30 a.m.

The Storyteller is back for the month of October to tell a story from the continent of Africa and acting out a story about a giraffe and and a crockodile.  They all learned how the giraffe got his long neck and legs along with the rewards of the giraffe being kind to other animals. Life lessons for sure...

October 13, 2021 10:30 a.m.

Bingo was the game played by both children and seniors as each of the yelled BINGO as they matched the Halloween items.

October 20, 2021 10:30 a.m.

Yoga was back with a trick or treat game of motions for both the children and the seniors using their imagination to pretend to "Trick or Treat" remotely.

Motion and stretching are what IG Program Yoga is all about with adding a creative theme monthly.

Both the children and the seniors enjoyed a healthy snack following Yoga as they do each month.  Separately for now, but hopefully in person soon!

October 27, 2021 10:30 a.m.

Artful Living and Learning began their first program of the year (Megyn's (instructor)  first program with JRC) in starting her series of "Around the World".  Russia was the first country they visited learning a Russian dance.  Seniors in their chairs and children standing up in motion.They danced to the music of "The Nutcracker".

November 3, 2021

Our Storyteller, Lindsay is on remote today ready the story from her first published book " Polar Bear Island".

What a great story where she involved interactions between the children and seniors even remotely. They were completely drawn up in the story!


November 10, 2021

Artful Living and Learning Instructor Megyn was in person with the seniors while the children were remote for the program.

She continued her "Around the World" dance as she lead them in a dance class to a traveling song.

November 17, 2021

Yoga was the program today between the JRC Adult/Seniors and the JRC Children.

Technical difficulties ensued to only have each group continue Yoga with their instructor.

November 24, 2021

Unfortunately the Intergenerational Connections Program was canceled today due to closing the JRC Adult Day Center for a COVID-19  outbreak.