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"Fashion Show on the Go" for the JRC Adult Day Center

JRC Adult Day Center hosts so many fun events for its senior members including a special event held in the Spring to honor Mother’s Day.   The Annual Fashion Show where we bus all of the ladies and gents to a local resale shop to pick out an outfit of their choice and then with a theme, a makeover (hair and makeup), a runway, an audience of friends, family, staff and volunteers the event becomes a special day for each of them!

This year because of the pandemic, JRC had to be extra creative.  We hosted our 9th Annual Fashion Show - “Fashion On The Go”!

Each lady and gentleman put on their Sunday best and we made a day of it!  Visiting each of them as usual, but with an extra flair as they modelled their outfit, photos were taken, signs marking the occasion were held and fun moments with laughing and enjoying a special day to get all dressed up for our JRC “Fashion On The Go” event!

Gerald didn’t dress up, however his wife, Nita did.  She looks forward to our daily stops as it gives her someone to chat with for a few minutes a day. Nita has made our staff different goodies since we started delivering lunches and activities daily.  Our staff has noticed a difference in Nita for the better!  Caregivers benefit as much sometimes as the senior members!

Keeping these seniors active and engaged even during a pandemic is what JRC is all about! Who benefits from this type of interaction you ask?   The senior themselves of course, their caregivers, and JRC staff and volunteers.  It is so rewarding for everyone when the day is done.   One more day helping the seniors and their caregivers in our community.